Karen Rommelfanger, Founder

Gap finder, bridge builder.

I saw a need and decided to address it. That is how I became a pioneer of neurotech ethics strategy and founder of the Institute of Neuroethics (IoNx).

Working at the frontiers of emerging tech, I’ve learned to use my PhD-training in neuroscience and ethics to lead strategic tech visioning that incorporates ethics design thinking to help align innovator values with societal interests.

I was raised in a bicultural family. I am an American-Chinese, Buddhist-Catholic, military- “third-culture kid” who spent half my childhood in Japan and the other half in West Texas, USA. From these experiences I cultivated skills in bridging cultures and worlds. Today, I build connections across disciplines and diverse geographic, cultural and moral backgrounds. I use my neuroscientific training to inform ethics discussions about technological development.

I have been in neuroethics almost as long as the field has existed. In addition to having founded and directed a neuroethics program and Neuroethics and Neurotech Innovation Lab at Emory University, I also work in the contexts of transnational government organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and public-private cooperation global leaders like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Overall, I’m inspired by ambitious tech innovation projects that aim to be ethically bold and globally impactful. I’ve also seen an unmet need for cross-cultural and cross-sectoral dialogue that can stifle neuroinnovation. Dedicated to bridging across geographic and practice communities, I’m frequently called upon as trusted advisor, collaborator, and convener of high-level global stakeholders across academia, industry, and government to create actionable recommendations and policy. You can also find me on the international speaker circuit and featured in the media as commentator on the most breaking neuroscience developments. I find joy in bringing insights and facilitating opportunities for shared discovery and co-creation of solutions for today’s (and tomorrow’s) thorniest ethical issues in tech. I’m looking forward to working with you.